Every fourth grader in New Hampshire (at least those who were in fourth grade when I was) learned about Daniel Webster and how he saved Dartmouth College from the thieving hands of the State of New Hampshire which wanted to turn it into a state college. Daniel Webster’s name was on the street next to my grade school partially because he was New Hampshire's greatest politician (we overlook Franklin Pierce who was only the President). In addition to his general renown, Webster successfully fought the devil (and won) and saved contracts from changed ex post by the whim of the legislature.
Ty pointed out this WSJ article ($) from today where some enterprising class action lawyer by the name of Richard Scruggs (surprise) who is asking the Mississippi AG to abrogate insurance policies’ explicit exclusions against flood coverage for so-called public policy reasons. Others such as John Coppelman have noted this too as well as the expected industry response.
So, I ask again, where is old Dan’l when we need him?
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