Not to be confused with the new little Leverty. Riskprof’s Ty Leverty had a little boy earlier this spring. I won’t disclose his name out of respect to his privacy, but it is a real strong Irish name. I am particularly fond of Finbarr as a name, but my wife (who was probably thinking of the then wee one’s future) repulsed with significant gusto my attempts to name any of my little sigmas Finbarr. Just so you know -- I did stop moping about this years ago.
Here is the real Friday levity. Evidently, someone sued Pepsi (the owners of Cap’n Crunch) for false advertising for $5 billion because there were no crunchberries in the cereal. I realize $5 billion is much anymore, but I think the fact that the word “crunchberry” is not in a real dictionary or even MS Word’s might have been a clue.
boingboing has a short story, but the comments are hilarious.. some of my favorites so far..
- #7. I heard that Crunch [had] to stop using his formal title when it was exposed that he never actually served in the military.
- #3. What!? Next thing you'll be telling me is that Froot Loops aren't made from real fruit, and that there's no nuts in Grape Nuts!
- #37. Don't be silly. Froot Loops are made from froot.
- #9. I love that she's suing on behalf of, not just herself, but the "other people" who have been similarly misled. […]Don't kid yourself, lady, you are an island in this belief system.
- #33 Follow up suit: Lucky Charms are not "magically delicious." They are merely "delicious."
- #48. So... that bowl I just had of Rice Chex didn't really have any Czecks (sic) in it, right?
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