Riskprof will be posting more regularly now that school is supposed to start. Lars, Ty and I were out in Portland, OR for the American Risk and Insurance Association's Annual Meeting. Papers can be found here.
Here are a few I thought were interesting. There were probably others but I did not get to see them.
An Economic Analysis of Single versus Multiple Jurisdictional Regulation –
The Case of Risk Retention Groups
J. Tyler Leverty
July 28, 2008
Insurers are regulated by states. However, a small subset of firms, risk retention
groups (RRGs), are subject to single entity regulation. This paper attempts to
determine the effect of duplicative regulation by isolating those firms that have the
opportunity to choose between single- or multiple-jurisdictional regulation. The
results reveal that there is significant increased regulatory compliance costs
associated with multi-state regulation and these costs influence firms’
organizational structure decisions. In addition, regression estimates suggest that a
move to a single-jurisdictional regulatory framework would result in a 24 percent
reduction in total expenses for the average firm. Moreover, results show that the
higher compliance costs associated with multi-jurisdictional regulation leads to a
higher per unit costs of insurance. Overall, there are significant benefits associated
with moving away to a single entity regulatory framework.
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