The Risque-wife earned four degrees there and I don’t think she missed a game. She even sat through the horrible 0–10 year in ‘79? I was the more serious student (i.e. nerd), but I watched some on TV.
The Risque-wife earned four degrees there and I don’t think she missed a game. She even sat through the horrible 0–10 year in ‘79? I was the more serious student (i.e. nerd), but I watched some on TV.
Grades are turned in and the first part of a major project is complete. I’ll have some time to start commenting again. I guess this is the time to do it as readership usually tanks for the last two weeks of the year.
I want to thank some fellow bloggers today. The first is David Rosmiller who sent me my first Christmas card from a blogger. Thanks so much David … and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Second, I want to thank Evan Shaeffer who bought me my first blogging related breakfast during a trip to Atlanta about 18 months ago. Thanks again, Evan. Please note that Evan has just caved into baseless threats of litigation. I think Illinois needs more tort reform so Evan can post publicly available federal court opinions without threat of litigation.
I also want to thank George Wallace who bought me my second blogging related breakfast. He is guest blogging at Overlawyered this week.
Find out why here.
“But you are still best advised to buy insurance only when a) the potential loss is very large, or b) your wife insists.”
Tyler Cowen, Marginal Revolution
Was the mouse really cooked in the soup? Check it out here.
On a slightly related subject, I recently heard the risk manager at Wendy’s talk about the finger-in-the-chili incident. He said Wendy’s was able to tell within an extremely short period of time that no workers at Wendy’s or their food suppliers were missing digits.
A customer orders essentially “just plain coffee” and then goes to the condiment bar to upgrade “the just plain coffee” to a “sorta latte”. Read all about it at Starbucks Gossip.
I found the above post after perusing comments on a $144 Million class action filed against Starbucks for coupon fraud. The comments sound like they are all from Ted Frank except I know he is too busy.
via Overlawyered.
Check them out now.
via my youngest correlation.
Here’s a sample…
If you spot terrorism, blow your anti-terrorism whistle. If you are Vin Diesel, yell really loud.
Last March New York's Senator Schumer was pretty upset about the fact that insurers were raising prices and non-renewing homeowners the New York City/Long Island area. ( 3/20). He claimed that the hurricane risk was bogus. We joked that he better get a new weather model. So over the summer we built one for him. Now using RiskProf's ultra-sophisticated and patented hurricane prediction model (shown in red), we estimate that NYC and Long Island are in the path of the next named storm.
(click to see a lager version)
update: It is TS Debbie.
OK, I paraphrased, but you get the point.
via Glenn Reynolds
Oh, check out my first mention in the blogosphere. August 17, 2002. It seems like only four years ago. I don’t recall the Louis Farrakhan reference, but it may have been a post about Mr. Farrakhan making pre-recorded get-out-the-vote-calls for Ms. McKinney.
Professor of Risk Management & Insurance
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